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Our Program and Curriculum

Our program is built upon the foundation laid out in scripture. We do this through thematic and activity-centered curriculum, with the emphasis shifting toward the pre-reading and academic skills necessary for kindergarten. Field trips and guest speakers enhance our lessons. The curriculum includes: 

  • Memoria Press
  • Bible stories
  • Listening and sharing
  • Social skills and emotional development
  • Thematic units


General objectives of the program shall be: 

  • To provide an educational environment that helps each child develop socially, physically, intellectually, and spiritually in the Christian faith. 
  • To provide an educational environment under the guidance of qualified and committed teachers, who shall design age-appropriate activities to provide a well-balanced program to help each child more easily make the transition from home to school. 
  • To provide a structured and loving environment of love where each child knows he or she is made in the image of God. 
  • To foster within each child a deep confidence in God and a growing confidence in themselves. 
  • To aid in the cultivation of a love of learning through the wonder of discovery and the development of good moral habits. 
  • To aid in the cultivation of love for the community in which the child lives.
  • To assist the children’s understanding of the world through the Word of God as they begin to explore and interpret the larger world outside their home. 
  • To prepare each child for their next level of education, and evaluate his or her readiness for their next educational step. 
  • To partner with parents to “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it” (Proverbs 22:6).
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